/!\ Competition schedule modification /!\                 /!\ Competition schedule modification /!\                 /!\ Competition schedule modification /!\
Due to financial restrictions the 9th Poulenc International Competition can not take place on the defined schedule.
Our will to give a better standing to the competition in both France and abroad lead the Organization Board to postpone it in November 2016 with the same program.

We apologize for this necessary modification.

International Piano Competition Fran�is Poulenc
Home2015 ProgrammeRegisterRules and allocationsList of award winnersPoulenc' SpiritContact Us

Awards :
� 1st Prize : - 6000 �
- Recital offered in Salle Cortot in Paris.
- Recitals in France and abroad defined later.
� 2nd Prize: - 4000 �
- Recitals in France and abroad defined later.
� 3rd Prize : - 2000 �
� Other Prizes : - 2000 �

Regulations :
- The 9th Francis POULENC International Piano Competition is opened to pianists from all nationalities, born after 31st December 1980.

- First round�: in Paris on 24th, 25th and 26th November 2015

- Semi Final�: in Paris on 27th Nov. 2015.

- Final recital on 28th in Paris and final concerto on 30th in Barbizon.

- The closing date for application is on 1st October 2015.

- Each candidate must pay a subscription fee of 100 �. In the event of his (her) cancellation the subscription fee won't be reimbursed.

- Candidates can only present themselves twice in this competition. For the second presentation they have to perform a different program than the one they played at the first time, only conserving the unchanged imposed pieces.

- In case of a second participation any former candidate won�t be rewarded if he (she) does not get a better award than he (she) got previously.

- Candidates will be drawn their serial number in front of the "Directeur du Concours" and a member of the "Comit� Directeur du Concours".

- A working room will be attributed to each candidate by drawing of lots.

- During the drawing of lots if candidates are absent for a justified reason their number and their repetition piano will be drawn by a member of the "Comit� Directeur du Concours".

- The serial number given by the drawing of lots won't be modified unless it's necessary.

- The works will be played without repeat and from memory in the order given by the candidate

- The jury reserves the right to stop candidate in the middle of a performance.

- The President of the jury has the casting vote which counts double in case of draw and the jury's decision is final.

- Any member of the jury presenting one or more present or former students in the competition won't be able to participate in the vote for these candidates.

- In the event of a tie the prize will be shared.

- The jury's members may decide not to award prizes if they consider the standard of playing to be inadequate.

- Between each stage of the competition eliminated candidates may discuss their performance with the jury's members.

- The jury is allowed to grant special prizes to candidates who participated in the semi-final and who have not been accepted to the final test.

- The Final-Concerto will be performed with an Orchestra or a accompaniment piano;

- The results will be declared immediately after each stage of the competition.

- The Francis POULENC Association will take charge of transport between the above mentioned towns for those candidates who will be qualified for the final.

- The photocopying of scores is illegal (Act of 03/11th/1957).

- Any candidate who acts contrary to the regulation will be eliminated without any compensation or reimbursing the subscription fee.

- In case of legal dispute only the French text of the rules is valid.

- By signing the application form all the clauses of the regulation are accepted.

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